Chapter VI. MEGA Bridge, Governance & Allocation

Mega Crypto Polis
6 min readSep 28, 2022


Starting from Evolution Stage II, Every action in the MCP3D aside from trading and acquiring land plots now can not be completed without MegaWorld MEGA.

Good old Ethereum MEGA and TRON MEGA were merged into a new united MegaWorld MEGA token. In order to facilitate free and instant transfers of MEGA Token between chains a Bridge will be implemented.

MEGA Bridge

The Bridge will allow transferring MEGA between balances on Ethereum and TRON Network. A player will be able to deposit ERC-20 MEGA on the Ethereum network, then transfer it to his/her TRON wallet’s in-game balance and withdraw as a TRC-20 token to the TRON Network. That will work in opposite direction as well.

Transfers between in-game accounts will be implemented on the L2 (Polygon) chain and are instant with no fees. All the transfers will be completed in 1:1 ratio, with no commissions.

The overall total supply of MEGA will be minted on all the supported chains, with the alien chain’s MEGA hard-locked on the smart contract for the Bridge. When a Bridge transaction happens, moving for example MEGA from Ethereum to TRON — a certain amount of MEGA will be locked on Ethereum smart contract and the same amount will be released from Bridge’s wallet on the TRON smart contract. That way no MEGA will be burned or minted in the process and the overall total supply will remain constant.

Players will be able not only swap MEGA to TRX in JustSwap but also transfer MEGA from TRON Network to Ethereum via bridge and withdraw to the Ethereum network to trade on decentralized and centralized exchanges.

MegaWorld ID

With the introduction of MegaWorld ID (previously referred to as “United Account”) players will receive a single united balance for MEGA, that can be refilled from every chain and MEGA could be withdrawn to player’s account on any chain.

New TRC-20 Contract

Along with the Bridge launch, a new TRC-20 smart contract will be deployed on TRON Network for the token to be verified on TronScan and operational liquidity pool on the JustSwap.

Cross-Chain Dependencies and the Airport

MEGA Bridge opening will facilitate trading and consistent value transfer between chains, but what can be even more important here is that some Resources from one chain will be asked on another to perform actions like construction, upgrades and maintenance.

An Airport will be implemented to freely transfer Resources and Citizens between the chains, those will be facilitated in MEGA and will hold some comissions for air tickets. That’s how players will be able to move their Avatars from one city to another in the MegaWorld.

MEGA Marketplace

After the Bridge opening we will be able to trade assets on the in-game markets using MEGA, as an alternative option for native blockchain currency. So players will be able to set orders in MEGA or in ETH/TRX, depending on their requirements.

MEGA Token Allocation

Undistributed amounts of MEGA left in the Vault were swapped to the new MEGA and will be allocated as proposed in the MegaWorld Discord server:

  • “Distributed from the Vault” — and now owned by players across both chains — including in-game balances, amounts staked and on-chain holdings.
  • “In-Game Funds” — what is available to be claimed in the game using Office buildings.
  • “DEX Liquidity” — locked in the pools.
  • “Team Reserve” — ensures developers interest in the project success.
  • “Foundation” — what can be used for the project development or marketing, distributed through fundraising or direct sales.
  • “Bounty Campaign” — motivation campaigns to involve new players; distributed on conditions of participants completing assigned tasks (no giveaways), wining a contest that requires actions (no free MEGA), with amounts not larger than 100 MEGA per participant (with unique wallet).
  • “Retro Airdrop” — direct token transfers to players’ wallets, only wallets with MCP3D assets.
  • “Strategic Partnerships” — reserved for partnerships with industry leaders.
  • “Players Initiatives” — long-term builders rewards reserve used to support tools developers and content creators.
  • “Liquidity & Listings” — MEGA reserve to grant liquidity for the token, mostly locked as reserve for major listings (like top tier exchanges) and liquidity injections.

The displayed % is calculated from the Total Supply on both chains. The proposed Allocation table is still to be discussed in the Discord with community members.


From the day one all the assets in the MCP3D are owned by players.

In order to align future updates with the requirements of the players a governance model will be implemented.

MEGA holders will shape the future of MegaWorld by voting for adjustments, upgrades and deciding on usage of a MEGA Treasury allocated in “Players Initiatives” and “Strategic Partnerships” pies.

Existing game balance had never changed since the day one in 2018. However, there are different points of view on how the game could be changed for better coming as suggestions from players — and when it comes to make adjustments in a decentralized game, we can’t go without the community reaffirmation.

The Mayor

Supposedly, a vote for Mayor will be held every 1/2 Year. A Mayor candidate should have at least 1% of MEGA frozen on the wallet for the whole period of governance.

Mayor will not be only the privilege, that’s also a responsibility to maintain community proposals. A Mayor will be able to send 5–10 proposals for voting, so selecting the most important ones will be totally up to him.

Voting for Mayor will be done using MEGA, however only land plot owners will be invited to vote with 1 vote (at least some MEGA is required on in-game balance) from one wallet with a land plot.

Every vote counts. Voting will be the major event in the decentralized city, unlocking a new layer of politics in the game.

In the World, a Mayor will have the top office in the Town Hall in both maps and unique outfit for his Citizen for a time he owns the title.

Mayor’s Office in the Main Tower

That will make the game even more decentralized, as every important decision will be made by players and confirmed by the community — just like it was done for many years — now that will be documented and written as a history on the distributed ledger.

The Proposals

After a new proposal (from the MCP Team or a Mayor) a voting for suggestions will take place. Proposals that accumulated the most votes will be accepted and implemented. There will be no limit for $MEGA in voting, the more $MEGA is used — the more chance a proposal will win.

Described features are meant to complete the final Stage of the MCP3D Evolution — the MEGA Bridge will serve as a portal between worlds, creating many new opportunities and strategies to play the game, while the new voting mechanism gives the promise the MegaWorld will be developed in a purely autonomous and decentralized way, creating space for healthy competition with a never ending pursuit for power on entirely new level.

The Mega World Story

This is the final article in a series describing the MegaCryptoPolis transformation to MegaWorld:

We’re just one step away from the Builder demo and an unprecedented new age of Web 3 gaming.

Stay tuned!



Mega Crypto Polis

Building the world's largest decentralized city in the new strategy game on the Ethereum blockchain. Join early: