MegaWorld BNB Chain Land Gameplay Starts Feb 15

With Airport to transfer game assets between chains

Mega Crypto Polis
6 min readJan 21, 2023

We are embarking on a grand journey, a quest to establish a new city in a vast and intricate virtual world. This is no ordinary city, but a metropolis built on the foundation of strategy governed by the players themselves.


  • Construction on BNB Chain starts Feb, 15
  • Airport cross-chain transfers Feb, 15
  • BNB Starter Packs available from Feb, 2
  • District #305 opening Jan,21 at 6 PM UTC
  • Cross-chain dependencies will be implemented Q1 2023
  • The Builder to deploy custom buildings planned for Q2 2023

There’s a Long History

The first district in MegaWorld (formerly MegaCryptoPolis) was opened back in May 2018 on Ethereum blockchain. In the early days the game was just a simple 2D map. Players could purchase land plots, but there were no structures to be seen — the virtual world was nothing but an empty canvas, waiting for players to make their mark.

The first builders to arrive in MegaWorld were pioneers, the brave souls who saw the potential in this new virtual world. They quickly began accumulating land plots, building as much land as they could. They had a vision of what this city could become, and they were determined to be a part of it.

Early stages of MegaCryptoPolis

In 2019, MegaWorld has evolved to a fully-fledged 3D virtual city with complex Microeconomics. The players had to create something that is truly unique, and it was only the beginning. Later that year the game expanded to the TRON Network that allowed for even more players to join the game and experience the excitement of building.

As the game progressed, players began to develop their unique strategies — some focused on acquiring adjacent fields of lands, flipping buildings, maximising production and constructing mega skyscrapers, while others chose to rent and build smaller, more efficient buildings.

MegaCryptoPolis 3D strategy game

In the end of 2022, after Citizens conversion to Avatars and Multiplayer tech demo, MegaWorld announced its expansion to the BNB Chain. This new virtual city not only offered opportunities to explore and build on a large scale, it also demonstrated long-awaited Custom Buildings feature and gameplay mechanics that a new cohort of Free-To-Play players will be able to enjoy on all the chains with release of The Builder and Alpha explorer.

BNB Construction Start

The first land plots on the BNB Chain become available for acquisition in the District #304 opened Dec, 15. Over 1000 land plots were acquired by players in the first day.

Auction for the first player-governed BNB City District #305 finished Jan, 19 after receiving 16 bids from the initial price of 1 BNB with the winning bid of 21 BNB. Resources-rich District #305 opening scheduled for Jan, 21 at 6 PM UTC.

Starting February 15, players will be able to construct all types of functional buildings, Points of Interest and Public Transport on the acquired BNB Chain land plots, including the new ones:

  • Paper Factory to produce Paper
  • Chemical Plant to produce Compounds
  • Plastic Factory to produce Plastic

That will also allow Paper Factory and Chemical Plant construction on Ethereum and TRON Networks.

Unfortunately, we’ll not be able to offer building types conversion as discussed before due to complexity of deployed smart contracts.

In order to construct and operate the first buildings, players will need Resources (Energy and Water), Basic Materials (Sand, Wood, Stone, Metal) and Citizens. All the requirements for buildings construction will be the same as on Ethereum and TRON, described in the Guidelines.

Airport to Transfer Assets

The same day an Airport will be opened to allow players transfer selected materials and Citizens between chains.

  • Citizens (Gen J and higher)
  • Complex Materials (Steel, Concrete, Plastic)
  • Compounds (Glue, Mixes, Composite)

Airport transfers will require a ticket paid in $MEGA — with a fixed price set by the game, depending on a type of cargo, a direction of travel and amounts to be transferred. All the transfers are instant.

BNB Starter Packs

To facilitate initial building on BNB Chain, a limited number of starter Packs containing Resources, Citizens and other valuable in-game assets will be offered.

As stated in 2019, only 15000 Packs with Generation A Citizens will ever exist. A half of them (7'500) was initially distributed on Ethereum network. Only 2200 Packs left after the TRON distribution to become available on the official Store on BNB Chain starting February, 2.

Local BNB Pack

1000 Packs

  • Gen A Citizen — Top Manager or better
  • Compounds or Basic Materials
  • Resource (Energy or Water)

Mayor BNB Pack

800 Packs

  • Gen A Citizen — Professional or better
  • Pet
  • Compounds
  • Basic Materials
  • Complex Materials or Paper
  • Resource (Energy)
  • Resource (Water)

Federal BNB Pack

400 Packs

  • Gen A Citizen — Executive or better
  • Car (a chance for 1/20 Supercar)
  • Pet
  • Compounds
  • Paper
  • 3X Basic Materials or Complex Materials
  • Resource (Energy)
  • Resource (Water)

Pack prices will be named prior to the Store opening. Federal Packs will feature 20 unique Supercars: 5X “Majestic” and 15X “Armageddon” to be parked near your buildings with incredible Stamina saving capabilities for appointed Citizens.

In the Cars Plant upgrade players will be able to produce many different Supercars in their Special buildings — however, “Majestic” will not be available to produce while new “Armageddon” would only be possible in other colors. All the Supercars are extremely hard to mint with a lot of Resources, new Compounds and Complex cross-chain Materials to be required.

Cross-chain dependencies

As described in the previous article, interconnected economics coming to MegaWorld this Q1. That includes new Materials to be produced exclusively on some chains to be required on other chains.

That said, high level buildings in Ethereum city will ask for Concrete from TRON and Plastic from BNB in order to be constructed and maintained. On the other side, BNB city buildings will require Steel from Ethereum and Concrete from TRON. That does not require for players to construct new buildings on new chains — most likely, all the Resources will be delivered via Airport by other players to be offered on local markets for competing prices.

Offices will require Paper to collect MEGA from the Funds. Paper will be produced locally from Compounds created on other two chains.

Please read more about the upcoming Cross-Chain Dependencies

There will be at least a month after construction started on BNB Chain for players to produce and deliver critical amounts of Compounds, Paper and Plastic before the new requirements will be implemented.

We invite you to join us on this grand journey, and let us build together a city that will stand the test of time, a city that will be remembered for generations to come, a city that will be our own.

Stay tuned for the upcoming announcements!



Mega Crypto Polis

Building the world's largest decentralized city in the new strategy game on the Ethereum blockchain. Join early: