Bi-Weekly Development Reports
Starting today, we’ll be publishing bi-weekly reviews of all things surrounding Mega World development. We’d love to share what’s been done, what’s in progress and how we assume making things work. Any feedback on the format and following content is highly appreciated!
Game Client Dept.
It’s the third time we’re building the game from scratch. Back in 2018 it was Phaser — the brilliant 2D engine — we’ve used to outline land plots, buildings and Districts for the Ethereum gaming map.
Next-gen ThreeJS WebGL solution for the MCP3D arrived in 2019 to allow for seamless 3D experience running inside almost any browser that gave a birth to Microeconomics and new TRON map.
Now it’s the time for Unity to equip Mega World megaverse with full-featured graphics, standalone clients and native mobile applications. A whole new department is now in charge of moving your Citizen forward whenever you’re ready to press “W”.
Dynamic Content Loading
As of the upcoming Mega World Tour release, we’ll be using tailored assets loading solution with cache for faster client opening times, proper performance optimization and user-generated content management (required for Citizens’ Outfits and Custom Buildings).
Interactive Performance Adjustment
A FPS performance monitoring solution will let us precisely tune up the balance between quality and speed to grant enjoyable experience not necessarily on cutting edge hardware.
Art Dept.
Artists are our rockstars. Shaping new buildings, trees, vehicles, environments and atmosphere — actually everything you can touch and feel in the Megaverse.
With a whole new subsidiary joined to assist with sculpting and animations, we are proud to introduce a brand-new look for Citizens to become Avatars in the Mega World. Moving from squareness towards more streamlined lines for general elegance, still maintaining distinct posh nature.
No more flat faces, 2D ears and hand-drawn noses. On top of that, the new game engine will allow us to deliver dynamic emotions and gestures to ensure every Avatar has it’s own unique mood at any given moment.
GD Dept.
Gamedesign is our bread and butter. Responsible for almost everything from Microeconomics and game balance to pure enjoyment and culture. This is our ultimate team of heroes making sure a player will be able to detach from the real world to dive into the Megaverse.
Tasks for Avatars
A core gameplay feature for the Mega World and the main source of $WORLD is our top priority. The team spent days and nights brainstorming mini-games concepts, NPCs and quests — however, prototyping and testing already gone well beyond.
The World and The Culture
We’d like to have these mini-games well aligned with the narrative. A Task will not only give a push to production in a building, it shall be a part of what’s actually happening on the streets — clearly visible to others. Yeah, no mythic dungeons and epic dragons out of nowhere.
We are well aware of high level standards to meet expectations of our community. Luckily, that’s not another triple-A title worth 60 hours of absorbing gameplay. We are building one-of-a-kind Play-to-Earn Metaverse that will shape how the games will be played the next decade. At least that’s what we are doing our utmost to.